
Parent Manual - Update January 2023

Hard copies are kept at each location and are available by request.


Discovery LocationsAddressDiscovery #School #
St. John de Brebeuf43 Spruce Street Kingsville519.733.6203519.733.6589
Queen Elizabeth 4 Maxon Ave. Leamington519.322.5532519.738.3531
Gosfield North Public302 County Road 27 Cottam519.839.4646519.839.4811
St. Anthony166 Centre St. Harrow519.733.8615519.738.3531
Gore Hill1132 Mersea Road 1 Leamington519.733.8202519.326.3431

Mailing Address 
Discovery Child Care Program 
P.O. Box 421
Kingsville ON
N9Y 2G1

Main Office: 733-8202      Fax: 519-733-2988


Welcoming Letter

                Discovery is a non-profit, charitable organization run by a volunteer Board of Directors.  All the Discovery sites are staffed by Registered Early Childhood Educators, and highly qualified staff. The Discovery staff are a dedicated and professional team, focused on providing a fun, safe, and positive learning environment for the children in our care. Our goal at Discovery is to meet the childcare needs of EVERY family, taking into consideration the varying schedules and lifestyles of Today’s families. Discovery operates in accordance with the legislation under the Child Care and Early Years Act.
The purpose of the Parent Manual and Policy Handbook is to support transparencies and communication with parents and families. It clarifies information about the services that are offered and ensures that parents and licensees share similar expectations about the program. Please read it carefully and if there are any questions do not hesitate to ask. If there are any suggestions you might have to help us meet the needs of the families we service, please let us know. We value and welcome your ideas.

Program Statement

                The Discovery School-Based Childcare Program of Kingsville Inc. seeks to support families by providing dependable, high-quality childcare that enhances the life experiences of the children and parents within our communities by following the strategies set out in the following program statement. Our philosophy is to support a continuum of learning through an environment that will offer the children many opportunities to experience success as competent, curious, complex thinkers, and rich in potential, which will foster a sense of belonging, well-being, engagement, and expression within each child (“How Does Learning Happen”, 2014). We encourage, not just learning, but also the love of learning.
                To promote the health, safety, and well-being of children, Discovery monitors the children’s health upon arrival and throughout the day and responds to any health and safety situations that may arise. If a child does not seem well at any point throughout the day, proper protocol will be followed according to our program procedure. See subsection A- Health, under the heading Health, Safety and Nutrition in the Parent Manual.  Discovery provides nutritious meals and snacks according to the Canadian Food Guide (“Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide”), and the Healthy Eating Indicators’ Tool, while establishing a positive eating environment. Children will have the option and flexibility during open snack periods to select healthy, well-balanced and nutritious foods. Lunches will be served Home-style, with staff assisting children when needed and monitoring the children’s safety. Both meal and snack times will ensure children have an opportunity to develop their self-help skills by preparing and serving food to enhance socialization, self-regulation, and language skills.
                Positive and responsive interactions is the key to building successful relationship between parents, staff and children.  Every person entering the program will be welcomed with a daily greeting, giving the opportunity for parents to tell the teacher any information regarding their child.  Staff will help children transition into the program by helping them engage in an activity. 
                Staff will be sharing information throughout the year with parents to promote communication about their child’s day.  The communication will be in the form of an email, “,” daily logs, open houses, by providing photo documentation, or a phone call.  If time allows it will be a quick conversation at drop off/pick up. Supervisors will arrange for a site orientation with new parents and children, to familiarize them with the program. At any time, a parent can request a meeting with staff, supervisors, or the Executive Director.
                Discovery encourages mutual respect between staff and children. Children are encouraged to be responsible people capable of having a voice within the program, awareness of logical and natural consequences in decision making, problem solving and the resolution of their own conflicts. This promotes self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-regulation. Moreover, staff will show children how to acknowledge their peers with kindness, empathy, and respect; to take an interest in each other and the environment they share, using positive communication.
                Discovery has an evolving play-based, emergent curriculum, with the goal of providing an invitation for inquiry and thought-provoking interests in a child-led environment. The natural environment is a facilitator along with the childcare staff that supports the exploration in the children’s indoor and outdoor play experiences. Opportunities for creative expression and problem solving, as well as a focus on the child’s ability to self-select aspects of the environment that are stimulating, challenging, and fun is the motivation for the curriculum. Discovery provides activities, such as sensory play, science experiences, fine and gross motor activities, art and music, language, and literacy, and so on, for the children to choose from.
                Children are supplied with self-initiated and adult supported activities through their learning environment, which is unstructured, and provides for an open-ended play time of their choosing. Children will be able to decide where, when, and how to play. Discovery staff will observe and listen to children and their interests so they can build and scaffold the level of play and opportunities. For example, adults will follow the children’s lead in creating or providing props for dramatic play, and then engage with the children to further scaffold the children’s interest in an activity.
                Discovery strives to promote and create positive learning environments for each child by planning and promoting learning opportunities that are reflective of their abilities and current interests, program safety, and age-appropriate activities.  This supports the children’s learning and development because staff provide a safe welcoming environment, where children feel a sense of belonging through warm, supportive relationships with staff and peers (William Shanker p.11 How Does Learning Happen).
                The Discovery Program will provide indoor and outdoor play, as well as active play, rest and quiet time throughout the day, giving special consideration to individual children’s needs. We recognize and support children’s developing and varied self-regulation abilities in all domains (How Does Learning Happen p.29-30). We encourage staff to intertwine the children’s learning environments, by bringing the outdoors into the classroom, and indoor activities, such as art experiences, outdoors by providing the children with loose parts from their natural environment for their own creative expressions. For Rest and Quiet Time, see the Sleep Policy and Supervision heading of the Parent Manual.
                Our program is full of extraordinary events to help children recognize the importance of their community. Through field trips, special guests, unique projects, community events, social justice, family nights, and team building experiences. We involve outside agencies in our programs to provide resources to better meet the needs of children, their families, and our staff in a positive and supportive way.  Throughout the year Discovery welcomes students from high school, and post-secondary programs to help provide experience and training. 
                In accordance with the College of Early Childhood Educators Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, Discovery is committed to the ongoing professional growth of our staff, who we believe are also lifelong learners.  We encourage and support staff to engage in the continuum of professional growth and development through workshops held in-house or in our community. All staff will hold valid First Aid, CPR, and WHMIS training certificates to promote high quality care and safety within our program.
     The Discovery School-Based Childcare Program of Kingsville Inc. will support families by providing dependable, high-quality childcare. This will include, but is not limited to, an Annual environmental review (Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale), staff surveys and parent surveys, staff performance and behaviour management reviews, and staff meeting. Goals will be set based on the data reviewed from this assessment cycle. Discovery will use these assessment tool results during our Annual review of the Program Statement to better serve our families and community.

Program Statement Policy/Procedure


     The Discovery Program will implement a program statement policy for all individuals involved in the care of children, are made aware of the expectations set out by the program.  The staff, volunteers and students will implement the approaches set out in the Program Statement which includes prohibited practices and how management will deal with contraventions. This policy will be developed in a manner that responses to the educators and staff, and provides them with the information they need to perform their work at Discovery.
Policies and procedures required under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 are the following:

  • Playground Safety
  • Anaphylactic policy
  • Sanitary Practices
  • Sleep Supervision
  • Serious Occurrence
  • Drug and Medication Administration
  • Supervision of Volunteers & Students
  • Program Statement Implementation
  • Staff Training and Development
  • Criminal Reference Check/Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Fire Safety & Evacuation Procedures
  • Waiting List
  • Parent Issues and Concerns
  • Emergency Management
  • Safe Arrival and Departure Policy

Individualized plans required under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014:

  • Anaphylaxis
  • Special Needs
  • Medical Needs


Discovery’s expectations of staff, students, and volunteers for implementing the Program Statement’s approaches is to help achieve our goals for the children in our care. This will be demonstrated after a thorough orientation has been provided for new staff, as well as existing staff by having team meetings, peer coaching and mentoring, regular professional learning sessions, and the possibility of pedagogical leaders who provide on going professional support and training. During orientation, and at annual review times, all staff are made aware that the Policy Manual’s Program Statement must be followed to ensure high quality care assurance measures/ mechanisms are being met. (Please refer to Section 1 for Compliance and Contravention Policy.)

For More Information Please Refer to the Following Resources:

The Early Years Portal
Minister’s Policy Statement on Programming and Pedagogy
How Does Learning Happen?
Think, Feel, Act - Lessons from Research about Young Children


Discovery’s Program Statement Implementation Policy requires that all individuals involved in caring for the children are aware of the expectations set out by Discovery. The following are the staff expectations based on how staff, students, and volunteers are to implement the approaches in the program statement, what the prohibited practices are and how Discovery will deal with a contravention of the program statement and/ or a commission of a Prohibited Practice.

1. Staff will serve lunches Home-style, assisting those children when needed, while monitoring the children’s safety.
2. Staff will welcome Parents/ Guardians entering their classroom with a daily greeting.
3. Staff will provide information with Parents/ Guardians through various forms of communication.
4. Staff will show children how to acknowledge their peers with kindness, empathy, and respect by setting a positive example of these behaviours.
5. Staff will support the exploration in the children’s indoor and outdoor play experiences by providing activities, such as sensory play, science experiences, fine and gross motor activities, art and music, language and literacy, and so on, for the children to choose from.
6. Staff will engage with the children to further scaffold the children’s interest in an activity.
7. Staff will provide a safe welcoming environment, where children feel a sense of belonging through warm, supportive relationships with staff.
8. Staff will intertwine the children’s learning environments, by bringing the outdoors into the classroom, and indoor activities, which means making every possible attempt to go outside each and every day for the Ministry required length of time.
9. Staff will attend all staff meetings, a parent night for their classroom, one fall parent social, and one parade per year, according to the CUPE Collective Agreement.
10. All staff will hold valid First Aid, CPR, and WHMIS training certificates to promote high quality care and safety within our program.

The primary purpose of the measures Discovery will use to deal with a contravention is to assist the employee, volunteer, or student to understand that the requirements have not been met and an opportunity for improvement may exist. An employee shall be disciplined with just cause to correct attitudes or conduct that interferes with the proper, efficient operation of the program, and for not following the Program Statement expectations.

The following are disciplinary actions, which may be used if a Staff member is not following proper Policies and Procedures:

Verbal Reprimand - A verbal reprimand may be given by the supervisor or Executive Director in private, for a minor offense. A first verbal reprimand need not become part of an employee’s file and the matter should be closed when a two-way discussion has been completed.

Letter of Reprimand - When a continued or serious infraction occurs, the supervisor or Executive Director shall write a letter in consultation with the Board of Directors, to the employee stating the infraction and warning him/her against further misbehavior.  A copy of this letter must be placed in the employee’s file.

Suspension - An employee may be suspended without pay, for a specific length of time depending on the seriousness of the offense while the case is being investigated.  An employee must be given written notice of such suspension.  Any employee may grieve any disciplinary action according to the grievance procedure.

Discharge - Discharge will be used when other corrective actions have failed or are not applicable.  No notice is required where an employee is dismissed for gross misconduct (physical, sexual, verbal or inappropriate abuse of power).

Prohibited Practices - When Dealing With Children

                The Discovery School Based Child Care Program respects and supports children’s confident self-image.  The promotion of children’s positive self-esteem is taught through proper behaviour management techniques that are appropriate for the age and development level of the child and deal with the direct issues at hand. Effective behaviour management sets and reinforces limits and promotes cooperation and supports autonomy.

Discovery adheres to the CCEYA, 2014 Prohibited Practices, which will include all of the following Prohibited practices:

Section 48. No licensee shall permit, with respect to a child receiving childcare at a childcare centre it operates or at a premises where it oversees the provision of childcare,

(a) Corporal punishment of the child.
(b) physical restraint of the child, such as confining the child to a highchair, car seat, stroller, or other device for the purposes of discipline or in lieu of supervision, unless the physical restraint is for the purpose of preventing a child from hurting himself, herself, or someone else, and is used only as a last resort and only until the risk of injury is no longer imminent.
(c) locking the exits of the childcare centre or home childcare premises for the purpose of confining the child or confining the child in an area or room without adult supervision unless such confinement occurs during an emergency and is required as part of the licensee’s emergency management policies and procedures.
(d) use of harsh or degrading measures or threats or use of derogatory language directed at or used in the presence of a child that would humiliate, shame, or frighten the child or undermine his or her self-respect, dignity, or self-worth.
(e) depriving the child of basic needs including food, drink, shelter, sleep, toilet use, clothing, or bedding; or
(f) Inflicting any bodily harm on children including making children eat or drink against their will. O. Reg. 126/16, s. 34.

In the event that a Staff is found in violation of the fore mentioned Prohibited Practices, the measures that the Discovery will use to deal with contraventions of the policies and procedures and with the commission of a prohibited practice, will be immediate suspension from the Program, until it is determined if the Staff will be terminated or sent for additional training and professional development, peer mentoring, and/ or direct review of the policies and procedures with the Supervisor or Executive Director. A report will be made to the College of Early Childhood Educators if the staff is a Registered Early Childhood Educator.

Services Offered & Age Categories Served

Accounts must be in good standings to guarantee your child's scheduled Days.

Hours of Operation - 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.  (Half days 6:30-12:30 or 12:00-6:00)

St John Site Only

 AgeFull DayHalf Day
Infant Program
(closes as March 2023)
not availablenot available
Toddler Program
(16 months - 2.6 years)
Preschool Program
(2.6 - 3.8 years)

All Discovery Locations

Before School 

$9.00 Base fees/morning$10.00 drop-in base fees/morning

After School  

$10.00 base fees/afternoon$11.00 drop-in base fees/afternoon

Base Fees Attending both the Before & After School -
must attended before and after for discount rate.

Before and After School
(3.8-6 years)

Full Day Program (3.8-6 years old)

Base FeesFull DayHalf DayDrop-In -
Full Day
Drop In -
Half Day
(PA Days, March Break, Summer)
 $16.07      $12.00    $16.54     $12.00      
Children 6yrs/under
in a school age room
$15.12$12.00     $15.59$12.00

Regular School-Age Base Fees

 Full DayHalf DayDrop-in Full DayDrop-in Half Day

School Age (Gr. 1 - 12 years)
PA Days, March Break, Summer) 

$32.00        $22.00          #33.00$23.00
  • Discovery is closed the last week of summer break before school starts. 
  •  Discovery will assess through use of a survey, the need for childcare during Christmas break before deciding which, if any, sites are to be open.
  • To be classified as a regular attendee, and take advantage of our regular rates, you must guarantee two days per week, every week, and submit a regular schedule or monthly calendar.
  • Drop-In Service is available on an “as needed” basis provided space is available by calling into your site Supervisor or the Main Office. The base fee is $1.00 more per day than the regular rate.  Drop-In schedules are not guaranteed. (Please notify the school that your child will be attending Discovery as a drop-in once you have confirmed with your site Supervisor or the Main Office.)
  • Discovery observes the following Statutory Holidays: New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, & Boxing Day.
  • Field trips may require an additional non-base activity fee, which would be noted on the field trip flyer. Fees will be charged directly to your account.

Registration & Attendance Guidelines

                To have your child attend the Discovery Program you must fill out a registration on-line and pay a yearly $25.00 (base fee) registration per child that is payable at the time of registration. A calendar is provided monthly to accommodate you with your monthly schedule needs. Calendars must be submitted by the 15th of the previous month for us to accommodate your childcare scheduling needs. If a calendar is not received, then your original schedule indicated on your registration form would be the schedule reflected on your invoice. All days that a child is registered for must be paid for, even if the child does not attend. If your needs change then it is your obligation to inform the Supervisor at your site and he/she will make the necessary change on your registration form. To validate the parental notice, the Supervisor will document the date and time of the change. If written notification of vacation time, or days needed off, is given two weeks in advance, payment of fees is not required. Withdrawal from the program also requires the two-week notice.
                It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to inform Discovery of any schedule changes, such as absence due to illness, early pickups, or school events. It is also important to notify Discovery staff of any person picking up your child from the program, who is not on the child’s Registration form. Please also inform your child’s school teacher in regards to his/ her Discovery schedule.
                If a child is picked up after the closing time of 6:00 p.m. Discovery will be compensated by the parent/guardian at the rate of $1.00 (non-based fee) per minute, which will be charged directly to your account. There will be a Late Pick-Up form to be filled out and signed by staff and parent/ guardian. Our staff will be responsible for a child only until 6:30 p.m.  After that point, if we have not received a call and are unable to reach the parent or an emergency contact, we will contact the appropriate Children’s Aid Society to report a child in need of care.  Every effort will be made to contact the parent. 

Admission Procedures

1)       Immunization form (for children not already enrolled in school)
2)       Registration forms and Financial Agreement signed and submitted to program.
3)       Registration base fee paid.
4)       Enrollment schedule submitted.
5)       Family orientation with supervisor.

Financial Information

A) Methods of Payment -   An INTERAC machine is available at the Main Office only. The acceptable forms of payment at the Discovery main office are E-transfer, Debit/Credit Card, or a Credit Card Pre-authorization form on File. Please try to avoid completing cash payments at the childcare locations.  If payment is completed at the sites, staff or supervisor will hand write you a receipt.  Please note, if making a cash payment exact change is required. To use our convenient automatic credit card system, a Credit Card Authorization form is required. E-Transfers will be sent to the email E-transfers are auto deposit and do not need a password.  If you need further assistance setting up the E-Transfer, please contact our Financial Assistant at the main office. Monthly invoices will be issued via email and hard copies are available upon request.  It is your responsibility to ensure payments are made in full before the first of the month, to guarantee your childcare space. Payments made after 4PM on the 1st of the month are considered late. If payment is not received, your childcare is void until payment is made.  Your child can then return the following scheduled day.  If other suitable payment schedules need to be made you must do this through the Executive Director at 519-733-8202 (Karen Loeppgy). Please be aware that our program staff at the sites are not aware of account balances and if you have any inquiries then please contact the Main Office, 519-733-8202.

B) Overdue Accounts-    No overdue childcare fees are permitted at any time. Your child will not be able to attend the program until payments are received or a payment plan has been arranged.  This must be discussed when you receive your monthly invoice.  If parents are experiencing financial difficulties, the Executive Director will be happy to work out a viable solution.  Invoices that must be resent or constant reminders of your account being in good standing will have a non-base fee of $25.00 added to your account, for each additional message.  If you withdraw or change your schedule within the program, and do not pay those fees, a 2% interest fee will be applied monthly.  Failure to pay your childcare invoice will result in sending your fees to a collection agency.

C) CWELCC - Canada-Ontario Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System-             Discovery is committed to working with our municipal partners and the federal government to ensure the necessary information and supports are in place for our families here at Discovery.  The Discovery’s administrative team has submitted all requirements to the City of Windsor and has been approved for the CWELCC program to reduce childcare fees for our parents/guardians, with children that are six years and younger.  Discovery will follow the CWELCC program requirements, as the changes to reduce fees once again are applied.  Parents will be notified by email what the next steps will be (e.g. another reduced rate as of December 31, 2022)

Eligible parents have received a credit to their account for approved children from April 1st to August 31, 2022.  Then received additional credit for September and October 2022.  The new discounted rate of 25% was applied for November and December invoices.  Parents that used the program during the approved timeline, where sent an e-transfer or credit was applied to their credit card if they no longer attend.

For more clarification or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the main office. 519 733-8202

D) Receipt of Payment & Tax Receipts -   Parents will be given a copy of a handwritten receipt for cash payments.  Debit receipt for debit, MasterCard/Visa payments or emailed a receipt showing what was paid through authorized payment or E-transfer.  Year End Tax Receipts will be issued by the end of February for income tax purposes.  Fees are non-refundable. Tax Receipts will be issued for the amount paid during that year.

E) Financial Assistance -  Financial assistance is available through the City of Windsor Family and Social Services department for those families that qualify. Please go to the Internet home page @  select “E-Services” from the “Welcome” Menu. Then choose the first option “Child Care Assistance” from the side menu. Clients must use the “Fee subsidy calculator” to access the application instructions and forms. For assistance or if unable to complete the on-line application process, call Children’s Services @ 519-255-5312

F) Inclement weather -   If schools are closed, Discovery will also be closed.  CHYR Radio carries up-to-date broadcasts regarding school closings.  If school is cancelled because of poor weather, you will be given a credit for that day.  If the buses are not running but schools are open, Discovery will be open, and you will be required to pay for this day.  We will also send out a REMIND/Brightwheel message, notifying of the closure.  In some incidences, Discovery will choose to close our programs due to insufficient staffing related to weather.

Waiting List Policy and Procedures -  Date Policy and Procedures Updated: August 26, 2019

Purpose - This policy and the procedures within provide for waiting lists to be administered in a transparent manner. It supports the availability of information about the waiting list for prospective parents in a way that maintains the privacy and confidentiality of children.

The procedures provide steps that will be followed to place children on the waiting list, offer admission, and provide parents with information about their child’s position on the waiting list.

This policy is intended to fulfill the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15 for a childcare centre that maintains a waiting list to have related policies and procedures.

Policy - Discovery shall not charge or collect a fee or deposit for the placement of a child on a waiting list for admission into our childcare centre. The Discovery Program requires a yearly $25.00 registration fee per child, which is charged for a secured spot in the childcare centre. Discovery’s waiting list is monitored by current enrollment status, the age of the child being enrolled, and the earliest date on the applications being received by the Administrative Staff. The waiting list will be made available in a manner that maintains the privacy and confidentiality of the children listed on it, but that allows the position of a child on the list to be ascertained by the affected persons or families via a phone call to the Site Supervisor, who would be more than happy to provide this information in a confidentiality-maintained manner on the phone.

  • Discovery Program will strive to accommodate all requests for the registration of a child at the childcare center.
  • Where the maximum capacity of a program has been reached and spaces are unavailable for new children to be enrolled, the waiting list procedures set out below will be followed.
  • No fee will be charged to parents for placing a child on the waiting list.


Receiving a Request to Place a Child on the Waiting List - The licensee or designate will receive parental requests to place children on a waiting list via One HSN portal, Discovery website’s online application, telephone, in-person meeting, and email.

Placing a child on the Waiting List - The licensee or designate will place a child on the waiting list in chronological order, based on the date and time that the request was received.  Once a child has been placed on the waiting list, the licensee or designate will inform parents of their child’s position on the list.

Determining Placement Priority when a Space Becomes Available - When space becomes available in the program, priority will be given to children who are currently enrolled and need to move to the next age grouping, siblings of children currently enrolled, and children of staff.  Once these children have been placed, other children on the waiting list will be prioritized based on program room availability and the chronology in which the child was placed on the waiting list. 

Offering an Available Space - Parents of children on the waiting list will be notified via a phone call or email that a space has become available in their requested program.   Parents will be provided a timeframe of one week in which a response is required before the next child on the waiting list will be offered the space.

Where a parent has not responded within the given timeframe, the licensee or designate will contact the parent of the next child on the waiting list to offer them the space.

Responding to Parents who inquire about their Child’s Placement on the Waiting List -      The Site Supervisor will be the contact person for parents who wish to inquire about the status of their child’s place on the waiting list.  The Site Supervisor will respond to parent inquiries and provide the child’s current position on the list and an estimated likelihood of the child being offered a space in the program.

Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality

                The waiting list will be maintained in a manner that protects the privacy and confidentiality of the children and families on the list and therefore only the child’s position on the waiting list will be provided to parents.  Names of other children or families and/or their placement on the waiting list will not be shared with other individuals.

Arrival and Departure

         Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy and Procedures

Name of Childcare Centre: Discovery School-Based Childcare Program of Kingsville
Date Policy and Procedures Established: November 21, 2023
Date Policy and Procedures Updated: December 5, 2023 - April 26, 2024


This policy and the procedures within help support the safe arrival and dismissal of children receiving care. 

This policy will provide staff, students, and volunteers with a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities for ensuring the safe arrival and dismissal of children receiving care, including what steps are to be taken when a child does not arrive at the childcare centre as expected, as well as steps to follow to ensure the safe dismissal of children.

This policy is intended to fulfill the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15 for policies and procedures regarding the safe arrival and dismissal of children in care.

Note: definitions for terms used throughout this policy are provided in a Glossary at the end of the document.



  • Discovery Childcare Program will ensure that any child receiving childcare at the childcare centre is only released to the child’s parent/guardian or an individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization to the childcare centre may release the child.
  • A parent/guardian may request that a child who is 9 years old or older be released from childcare without supervision. Parents/Guardians must provide written and signed authorization and instructions for the release of the child including the time of dismissal.
  • Where a parent/guardian provides written instructions for the release of their child from care without supervision, the parent/guardian is aware that the childcare is no longer responsible for that child upon their dismissal.
  • Where a child does not arrive in care as expected or is not picked up as expected, staff must follow the safe arrival and dismissal procedures set out below.

Additional Policy Statements

Children may only be released to authorized pickups indicated on their registration forms. Staff are required to ask for identification from anyone picking up a child that they have not met before. If a parent/guardian authorizes an additional pick-up person, the parent will be required to provide the first and last name of the individual and a contact number. The parent will then be instructed to have the authorized pick-up bring their identification for Discovery staff to see. Children will not be released to anyone not previously authorized by a parent/ guardian.


Accepting a child into care

When accepting a child into care at the time of drop-off, program staff in the room must:

1. greet the parent/guardian and child.

2. ask the parent/guardian how the child’s evening/morning has been and if there are any changes to the child’s pick-up procedure (i.e., someone other than the parent/guardian picking up).  Where the parent/guardian has indicated that someone other than the child’s parent/guardians will be picking up, the staff must confirm that the person is listed on the child’s Program Registration Form or where the individual is not listed, ask the parent/guardian to provide authorization for pick-up in writing (e.g., note or email).

3.  document the change in the pick-up procedure in the daily written record.

4.  sign the child in on the classroom attendance record.

Where a child has not arrived in care as expected

Where a child does not arrive at the childcare centre within an hour of their regularly scheduled drop off time, and the parent/guardian has not communicated a change in drop-off (e.g., left a voice message or advised the closing staff at pick-up), the staff in the classroom must:

  • It is the parent and or guardian’s responsibility to communicate to the Discovery Childcare Program about their child’s wellbeing and if there will be any schedule changes.
  • Parents or guardians can call the center, main office or email the site supervisor.  Parents also can communicate through our REMIND app. 
  • Failure to follow through with calling in or sending a message will result in an administrative fee of $10.00 per phone call until we have the whereabouts of your child.

Before School

  • The site supervisor or delegate will call and/ or send a message on REMIND to the 1st contact on the emergency card file. If contact responds or answers, record the information in the daily log, and Record of Illness if needed. If there is no answer, staff will leave a voicemail and allot a 15-minute window for the 1st contact to respond.
  • After the 15-minute window with no response, staff will then call the 2nd contact on the emergency card file. If contact responds or answers, record the information in the daily log, and Record of Illness if needed. If there is no answer again, staff will leave a voicemail, and allot another 15-minute window for the 2nd contact to respond.
  • If there is no response again, and the 15-minute window has passed for the 2nd contact, the staff will move on to all other emergency contacts/ authorized persons on the child’s emergency contact card until someone responds or answers. The information provided from the authorized contact will be recorded in the daily log, and Record of Illness if needed.
  • Should none of the authorized contacts answer Discovery staff members’ phone calls or Remind messages, then the staff will communicate with the school’s main office to see if they have received information regarding the child’s absence from school today. 
  • If the school main office is also unaware of the child’s absence, the next step will be to call the local police department to complete a wellness check on the family.
  • Staff will document when they called or sent messages to each of the individuals noted above, as well as any information they received from speaking to one of the authorized contacts.

After school

1.       The first thing to do is to check with the office and/or teacher to see if the child was in attendance that day at school. (A list of the child’s classroom and teacher are at the back of the clipboard). If the school confirms the child was not at school today, the supervisor will send a message asking the parent to always inform us along with the school.  Staff will document the reason why they were absent.

2.       If the child was absent from school, then you will need to call a parent either at home or at their place of work to make sure that the child is safe and if they are sick, what are they sick with, for you to fill out the illness report.

3.       If the child mistakenly got on a bus, you would need to:

a)   Check the buses before they leave and remove the child from the bus even if they tell you that their parent told them to get on the bus (a phone call to the parent letting them know that you have their child and that they are safe with you. If the parent asks why you took them off the bus you can let them know that if Discovery does not have confirmation from the parent that they are to be on the bus then we assume their child should be with us). It is the parent’s responsibility to call the program when their child’s schedule changes for any reason, the staff are to follow the schedule as laid out if they are unaware of any other schedule changes.

b)   When a child from a different school is scheduled to attend the afternoon                    program and does not show up;

 i.  The first order of business is to check the message book to make sure that a call           wasn’t made letting you know that the child was going to be absent.

 ii. If there is no message regarding this then the staff will alert the Supervisor or call         the parent to find out about the child’s whereabouts.

 iii. f the parent does not answer, then call the child’s school to find out if the                     child was absent, if the child was absent then this is followed up by calling the parent again to let them know they need to call Discovery if their child is going to be absent for any reason. (leave a message if need be)

c)   If the child was at school and the school office tells you that the child was put on the bus then you follow up by calling the bus company immediately and depending on the information you receive you may need to call the parent or the child’s emergency               contact.

Switzer-Carty Transportation Inc. at 519-326-2607 in Leamington.
If you need assistance, contact the Director immediately at 519-733-8202.

d)  If you cannot contact anyone else on the child’s info file card then you must go to the home and get the child. The options for bringing the child back to the school are:

 ? Stay with the child until one of the emergency contact people can come and bring the  back to the centre.

 ? Taxi the child back to the centre with permission from the parent (you follow the                taxi in your vehicle.) Call the Main Office (519-733-8202) to pay for the taxi ride.

4. If scenario (3b) happens you will need to call your supervisor if she is not on site, to help you with this situation. If you cannot reach your supervisor, contact the Director immediately at 519-733-8202. If you cannot get anyone to assist, then one staff will put a movie on, and all the children will sit and watch it while the other staff takes care of this situation.

5. Always visually check and do a roll call to match names when checking kids. Then count heads to make sure you have the same numbers. This will help if a child shows up that has not been marked in.

6. Once the child’s absence has been confirmed, program staff shall document the child’s absence on the attendance record and any additional information about the child’s absence in the daily written record.

Releasing a child from care

            The staff who is supervising the child at the time of pick-up shall only release the child to the child’s parent/guardian or individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization to the childcare may release the child. Where the staff does not know the individual picking up the child (i.e., parent/guardian or authorized individual),

  • confirms with another staff member that the individual picking up is the child’s parent/guardian/ authorized individual.
  • where the above is not possible, ask the parent/guardian/authorized individual for a photo identification and confirm the individual’s information against the parent/ guardian/authorized individual’s name on the child’s file or written authorization.

Where a child has not been picked up and the centre is closed

1.         Where a parent/guardian or authorized individual who was supposed to pick up a child from care has not arrived by the site closing time (5:30/6:00 depending on Discovery location), staff shall ensure that the child is given an activity, while they await their pick-up. 

2.         While in the presence of the child, the staff will proceed with calling the parent/ guardian to advise that the child is still in care and inquire about their estimated time of arrival for pick-up.  If the person picking up the child is an authorized individual, the staff shall contact the parent/guardian first and then proceed to contact the authorized individual responsible for pick-up if unable to reach the parent/guardian.

3.         If the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian or authorized individual who was responsible for picking up the child, the staff shall begin contacting alternative authorized individuals listed on the child’s info file card/ registration form.

4.         Where the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian or any other authorized individual listed on the child’s file (e.g., the emergency contacts) 30-minutes after the centre closes the staff shall proceed with contacting the local Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society   (CAS) (519) 252-1171. Staff shall follow the CAS’s direction for the next steps.

Dismissing a child from care without supervision procedures

            Where a parent/guardian has provided written authorization for their child to be released from care without supervision, one staff in the program must be responsible for dismissing the child from care.  Before dismissing the child from care, the staff shall review the written instructions for release provided by the parent/guardian and release the child at the time set out in the instructions. The staff shall document the time of departure from care as well as their initials on the attendance record.

*Additional Procedures

            A copy of the Permission to Sign In/ Out form must be kept on-site with the child’s registration form. This form is completed by the parent/ guardian and must be submitted to, and authorized/ signed off by, the Executive Director before the child is allowed to be dismissed without supervision.


Individual authorized to pick-up/authorized individual: a person that the parent/guardian has advised the childcare program staff in writing can pick up their child from care.

Licensee: The individual or corporation named on the license issued by the Ministry of Education responsible for the operation and management of the childcare centre and home child agency.

Parent/guardian: A person having lawful custody of a child or a person who has demonstrated a settled intention to treat a child as a child of his or her family.

Regulatory Requirements: Ontario Regulation 137/15

Safe arrival and dismissal policy

      50.  Every licensee shall ensure that each childcare centre it operates and each premise where it oversees the provision of home childcare has a policy respecting the safe arrival and dismissal of children that,

        (a)   provides that a child may only be released from the childcare centre or home childcare premises,

          (i)    to individuals indicated by a child’s parent, or

          (ii)   in accordance with written permission from a child’s parent to release the child from the program at a specified time without supervision; and

        (b)   sets out the steps that must be taken if,

          (i)    a child does not arrive as expected at the centre or home childcare premises, or

          (ii)    a child is not picked up as expected from the centre or home childcare              premises.

We remind parents that we are not responsible for your children until they have entered and checked in to our supervised area.  In the morning, children will be released from our care as soon as supervision of school teaching staff is observed. School-aged children may go home unattended provided that they are 9 years of age and a signedpermission form is on file (signed by parent or guardian) and a designated person is at home waiting for the child.  A child will not be released to any person other than those named by the registering parent on the form provided (identification will be required). If a registering parent requests our staff to release their child (via telephone) to an unlisted person, it will be done providing the identity can be confirmed through a driver’s license or other form of identification.  A child will not be released to any person who, in the opinion of the staff on duty, is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or poses some potential threat to the safety of the child. If the parent is unable to pick up their child and wishes to have their child picked up by cab, we will release the child provided the parent is at home, waiting for him/her.  Parents are responsible to pay the cab fare. Discovery School Based Child Care Program will assume no responsibility for a child once he/she is checked out.

Health, Safety and Nutrition

A.      Health - Children who are not yet attending school will be required to submit an immunization form noting that all immunizations are currently up to date BEFORE they are allowed to start attending Discovery.
Any child who is acutely ill is to be kept at home.  If your child is too sick to participate in all activities, including outdoor play, your child is too sick to be at our program. Children cannot attend if illness prevents them from participating in the regular routines, if attending is harmful to themselves or others, or if the attention needed to care for them takes significant time away from the other children.  These provisions will be made if any of the following are witnessed:

  • Unexplained or undiagnosed pain
  • Acute cold with fever, runny nose and eyes, coughing and sore throat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fever over 38°C (100.4°F) and accompanying symptoms such as listlessness, sore throat/difficulty swallowing
  • Undiagnosed skin or eye rash
  • Headache and stiff neck
  • Unexplained diarrhea or loose stool combined with vomiting and abdominal cramps
  • Severe itching of body or scalp
  • Known or suspected communicable diseases

Should your child’s illness be of a communicable type, all parents will be advised that their child has been exposed, and informed of the symptoms to watch for in their child/ren. Should your child contract a communicable disease such as measles, mumps, strep throat, flu, or impetigo, you must follow the the policies written by the public health, school boards and Discovery regarding treatment and the isolation period.  In some cases, a doctor’s certificate is required before your child may return to our program.  
If your child becomes ill during the day, the parent will be advised and must make arrangements to pick up the child as soon as possible.  If the parents cannot be reached, the alternate contacts will be called. 
Parents should have alternate arrangements for their child/ren in case of illness when our program cannot accommodate the child.  These arrangements should be in place when a child is registered with our program.  
B.Drug & Medication Administration Policy and Procedures Purpose -     The purpose of this policy and the procedures outlined within is to provide clear direction for staff, students and volunteers to follow for administering drugs or medication to children at the child care centre and for appropriate record-keeping.
Where the term drugs and/or medications is used in this policy, the term refers to any product with a drug identification number (DIN), with the exception of sunscreen, lotion, lip balm, bug spray, hand sanitize and diaper cream that is not used for acute, symptomatic treatment. For the purpose of this policy, drugs and medications fall into the following two categories, unless otherwise specified:

  • Prescription, intended for acute, symptomatic treatment; and
  • Over-the-counter, intended for acute, symptomatic treatment.

The policy and procedures support children’s health, safety and well-being by setting out measures to:

  •  ensure children receive only those drugs or medications deemed necessary and appropriate by their parents;
  • reduce the potential for errors;
  • ensure medications do not spoil due to improper storage;
  •  prevent accidental ingestion;
  • administer emergency allergy and asthma drugs or medications quickly when needed; and
  • safely administer drugs and medications according to established routines.

This policy is intended to fulfill the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15 for the administration of drugs and medication in a child care centre.

Note: definitions for terms used throughout this policy are provided in a Glossary at the end of the document.

Policy - Parental Authorization to Administer Medication:

Whenever possible, parents will be encouraged to administer drugs or medications to their children at home if this can be done without affecting the child’s treatment schedule.

Prescription and over-the-counter medications for acute, symptomatic treatment will only be administered to a child where a parent of the child has given written authorization to do so by completing the child care centre’s Authorization for Medication Administration (the form in Appendix A may be used). The Authorization for Medication Administration form must be accompanied by a doctor’s note for over-the-counter medications.

The authorization must include a schedule that sets out the times the drug or medication is to be given and the amounts to be administered.

Where a drug or medication is to be administered to a child on an “as needed” basis (i.e. there is no specific schedule or time of the day for administration), the drug or medication must be accompanied with a doctor’s note outlining signs and symptoms for administering the drug or medication and the appropriate dosage. In addition, the Authorization for Medication Administration Form must clearly indicate the situations under which the medication is to be given as outlined in the doctor’s note, including observable symptoms. Examples may include:

  • when the child has a fever of 39.5/103.1 degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit;
  • when the child has a persistent cough and/or difficulty breathing’; and
  • when red hives appear on the skin’, etc.

Prescription/over-the-counter skin products (wit

Holistic and Homeopathic Medications and/or Non-Prescription Medication -  Staff should be aware of all information regarding homeopathic remedies used by a child. Any child using homeopathic products should have the information recorded on their Drug Administration form. Staff should seek advice from the child GP or a pharmacist if they are unclear about possible contraindications regarding the use of homeopathic remedies. Home remedies should be administered at the discretion of the Head classroom teacher on duty and can be delegated by them. All medications should only be administered according to the instructions on the container. Any home remedy given to a child must be recorded on an individual Drug Administration Medication Record form.

Discovery asks parents to sign off on a General Permission form, which states Discovery School-Based Childcare Program of Kingsville Inc. has my permission to apply non-prescription medication that I have supplied for my child/ren on an as needed basis. This includes, but is not limited to, ointments and creams for diaper rash, Vaseline, lip balm, Polysporin, etc. for the purpose of skin care and protection when required. (Please circle or list any additional or other non-prescription medications, if necessary.)

Drug and Medication Administration Procedures

A)    A parent requests that a drug or medication (prescription or over-the-counter) be administered to their child and provides the drug or medication.

Staff must:

  • provide the parent with the appropriate form to complete to obtain written authorization to administer the medication from Appendix A as applicable;
  • verify that drug or medication: is accompanied by a doctor’s note (for over-the-counter medications);
  • is in its original container as prescribed by the pharmacist or in the case of over-the counter medications is in its original package; and is not expired.
  • obtain the appropriate dispenser, where applicable;
  • review the medication administration form and (and doctor’s note, where applicable), and the label to verify that all sections are complete and accurate, and that the information in the authorization matches the medication label.

Where errors are found on the form or the label is incomplete, the form/medication must be returned to the parent to make and initial corrections;

  • sign the form once it is complete and accurate;
  • take the drug or medication and dispenser and store it in the designated locked storage space in accordance with the instructions for storage on the label; and
  • log the receipt of the authorization form and the drug or medication for the child in the appropriate staff communication book (e.g. daily written record).

B)    A child is authorized to carry their own emergency allergy medication.

1.       Staff must:

  • ensure that written parental authorization is obtained to allow the child to carry their own emergency medication;
  • ensure that the medication remains on the child (e.g., fanny pack, holster) and is not kept or left unattended anywhere at the childcare centre (e.g. in the child’s cubby or backpack);
  • ensure that appropriate supervision is maintained of the child while they are carrying their medication and children in their proximity so that other children do not have access to the medication; and where there are safety concerns relating to the child carrying his/her own medication (e.g. exposure to other children), notify the centre supervisor/designate and the child’s parent of these concerns and discuss and implement mitigating strategies. Document the concerns and resulting actions in the appropriate staff communication book (e.g. daily written record).

C)    A prescription or over-the-counter drug or medication must be administered to a child.

2.   Where a non-emergency medication must be administered, the person in charge must:

  • prepare the medication dosage in a well-lit area in the appropriate measuring device, where applicable (e.g. do not use a household spoon for liquid medications);
  • where possible, remove the child from the activity area to a quiet area with the least possible interruption;
  • administer the medication to the child in accordance with the instructions on the label and the written parental authorization;
  • document the administration of the drug or medication and any comments/observations on the medication administration record after it has been administered (see Appendix B);
  • store the medication in the designated storage space in accordance with the instructions on the label and the parental authorization received on the medication administration form; and where applicable, document any symptoms of ill health in the child’s records.
  • Where a medication is administered on an “as needed” basis, notify a parent of the child.

Where a child is absent, document the absence on the Record of Drug/Medication Administration (Appendix B).

Where an emergency allergy medication must be administered due to a severe allergic reaction, the staff who becomes aware of the emergency situation must immediately:

  • administer the emergency medication to the child in accordance with the emergency procedures on the child’s individualized plan;
  • administer first aid to the child, where appropriate;
  • contact, or have another person contact emergency services, where appropriate; and
  • contact, or have the supervisor/designate contact a parent of the child.

After the emergency situation has ended:

  • document the administration of the drug or medication on the medication administration record (see Appendix B);
  • document the incident in the appropriate staff communication book (e.g. daily written record).; and
  • document any symptoms of ill health in the child’s records, where applicable.

Where a child is authorized to self-administer their own drug or medication, the person in charge must:

  • supervise and observe the child self-administer the drug or medication to ensure that the proper dosage and procedure for administration is being followed;
  • where the child asks for help, assist the child in accordance with the parent’s written authorization;
  • document the administration of the drug or medication and any comments/observations on the medication administration record after it has been administered (see Appendix B);
  • store the medication in the designated storage space in accordance with the instructions on the label and the parental authorization received on the medication administration form, unless the child is authorized to carry his/her own emergency allergy medication (in such cases, follow the steps outlined in Scenario C [a child is authorized to carry their own emergency allergy medication]);
  • where applicable, document any symptoms of ill health in the child’s records; and
  • where there are safety concerns relating to the child’s self-administration of drugs or medications, notify the centre supervisor/designate and the child’s parent of these concerns, and discuss and implement mitigating strategies. Document the concerns and resulting actions in the appropriate staff communication book (e.g. daily written record).

D)    A child has a reaction to an administered drug or medication.

3.       Where adverse symptoms appear upon medication administration, the person in charge must immediately:

  1. administer first aid to the child, where appropriate;
    contact emergency services, where appropriate and send the drug/medication and administration information with the child if they are leaving the premises to seek medical attention;
  2. notify a parent of the child;
  3. notify the supervisor/designate;
  4. document the incident in the appropriate staff communication book (e.g. daily written record); and
  5. document any symptoms of ill health in the child’s records, where applicable.

Where the reaction results in a life-threatening situation for the child, call emergency services and follow the serious occurrence policy and procedures.

E)    A drug or medication is administered incorrectly (e.g. at the wrong time, wrong dosage given).

4.       The person in charge must immediately:

  1. where applicable, follow the steps outlined in Scenario D (a child has a reaction to administered medication); and
  2. contact the parent of the child to report the error;
  3. report the error to the supervisor/designate;
  4. document the actual administration of the drug or medication on the medication administration record (see Appendix B); and
  5. document the incident in the appropriate staff communication book (e.g. daily written record).

Where any reaction to a drug or medication results in a life-threatening situation for the child, call emergency services and follow the serious occurrence policy and procedures.

F)    A drug or medication is administered to the wrong child.

5.       The person in charge must immediately:

  1. where applicable, follow the steps outlined in Scenario D (a child has a reaction to administered medication); and
  2. contact the parents of the children affected to report the error;
  3. report the error to the supervisor/designate;
  4. document the incident in the appropriate staff communication book (e.g. daily written record); and
  5. administer the medication to the correct child per Scenario B (a drug or medication must be administered to a child).

Where any reaction to a drug or medication results in a life-threatening situation for the child, call emergency services and follow the serious occurrence policy and procedures.

G)   Surplus or expired medication is on site.

6.       Where possible, the surplus or expired medication must be returned to a parent of the child.

Where attempts have been made to return a drug or medication to a parent and the parent has not taken the medication home, the person in charge of drugs and medications will attempt to return unused drugs or medications to a local pharmacist for proper disposal.

Do not flush any drugs or medications down the toilet or sink or throw them in the garbage.

Additional Procedures -  A child exhibiting symptoms of ill health, will be separated from the rest of the child’s age group, and kept with the Site Supervisor in her office until which time a parent, can be reached by telephone, by the supervisor, to come and pick up their child. The child will be under constant supervision.

Record of Illness -  Employees will ensure that a daily written record is maintained which includes a summary of any incident affecting the health, safety or well-being of the staff or any child enrolled in our centre. Any staff taking the information that a child is away due to illness will document the appropriate information on the record of illness form. The Record of Illness forms will be hung in the classrooms for one month at a time, with a new one posted each month. Completed Record of Illness forms will be kept by the Site Supervisor on site for three (3) years in the Supervisor’s Tracking Binder.

Immunization Record -  All children enrolled in a licensed child care must be immunized against infectious diseases as recommended by the local Medical Officer of Health. If children are enrolled in school, the school will have a record of this. Children can be exempt from this requirement if a parent/guardian objects to the immunization for religious, medical or conscience reasons and a signed legal consent is provided. Immunization Records are kept in the Registration Binder with the rest of the child’s registration forms. A copy is also provided to the Main Office Administration to be mailed to the Windsor Essex County Health Unit.

Ouch Reports-   If an incident occurs at the program it will be the employee’s responsibility to record this information on an ‘Ouch Report’ and the parent will be informed and expected to date and sign the report to confirm that they have been notified of such incident. Parents will be provided a copy after signing the report, through their choice of email or hard copy.  Staff will also document in the daily log that an injury took place. Completed Ouch Reports (Accident/ Incident) forms will be kept by the Site Supervisor on site for three (3) years in the Supervisor’s Tracking Binder.

Reducing Infections and Diseases -  Hygienic practices including hand washing and cleaning toys and furnishings is the first line of defense against transmission of communicable disease. These practices must be established as part of the daily routine. The most effective method of preventing the spread of infectious diseases in child care settings is hand washing by children and adults. Frequent hand washing routines should include the following steps;

a.             Wash hands upon arrival
b.             Wash hands before preparing food, feeding a child or eating.
c.             Wash hands immediately after toileting and handling of body secretions.
d.             Post signs in the bathroom, kitchen and diaper change areas reminding staff     and children to wash their hands.

Sunscreen Policy -  Discovery requires that parents give permission for the use of sunscreen on any child and will provide sunscreen for each child once written parental consent has been obtained. Parents may provide their own sunscreen for their child, in the original container, labeled with the child’s name. Staff will apply sunscreen to children before going outdoors, in the morning and afternoon, each day.

All sunscreen must be inaccessible to children. SUNSCREEN IS POISONOUS IF INGESTED CALL THE POISON CONTROL CENTER IF A CHILD INGESTS SUNSCREEN. (Number for poison control is always posted with emergency phone numbers by telephone)

Sun Protection Guidelines for Child Care Providers -  Sun exposure can be hazardous to your health. People of all skin colours, from dark to light can burn and therefore need protection from the sun’s harmful rays. Keep yourself and the children you care for safe by following these steps:


To help protect the children from sunburns we need to follow these steps;

  • Use a broad spectrum (UVA, UVB) sunscreen of SPF (sun protective factor) 30 or higher, and apply 15 to 30 minutes before going outside. (Discovery uses Croc-Bloc SPF 30).
  • Apply liberally, and re-apply every 2 hrs while outdoors. Apply sunscreen even on cloudy days as the sun’s rays can penetrate the clouds.
  • Reduce exposure to the sun between 10 am and 4 pm as this is time the rays are most intense.
  • We encourage the use of a wide brimmed hat anytime outdoors during the summer months.
  • Wear UV protective sunglasses.

NOTE: Some children are sensitive to certain sunscreens, please refer to Allergy lists posted for verification of who can or cannot have sunscreen. All sunscreen must be kept out of children’s reach. Sunscreen can be poisonous if ingested. Call the poison control centre if this happens. POISON CONTROL 1-800-268-9017

C. Clothing -   Parents should make sure their child has appropriate clothing.  Staff will not be responsible for lost or misplaced articles of clothing.  If your child is prone to accidents (of any kind), it will be helpful to have an extra set of clothes labeled with his/her name. Please remember to change the extra clothes seasonally.  It is an embarrassment to the children when they require a change of clothing and this is not available to them. In the colder weather, the children will be going outside as usual.  Parents should ensure that their children have warm winter clothing in good condition. Snow pants, boots, mitts and hats are a must for all ages of children in the program. Please send a pair of indoor shoes with your child. Discovery often uses the school gym.  In order to participate, children must have clean indoor shoes. Discovery also participates regularly in fire drills to maintain safety and consistency with the school; therefore the children always need to have shoes on their feet.

Weather Appropriate Attire -  Children must wear weather appropriate attire when going outside.  During the colder months, children must wear hats, gloves, coats, snow pants, and snow boots.  During the warmer months, children must wear cool comfortable clothing and wide-brimmed hats. Staff will ensure that parents are informed of any extra clothing they need to bring for their child.

D. Nutrition -  To make our Discovery School Based Child Care Program a safe environment for all children, parents should be aware that there may be children attending the centre with severe life threatening food allergies (anaphylaxis). Some children are severely allergic to peanut products, including peanut butter, nuts, shellfish, eggs and milk, known to cause severe reactions. We want to inform you that exposure to a tiny amount of these items could be potentially serious and life threatening to a child with the allergy.

The key to preventing an emergency situation is diligent avoidance of the allergen. All food items served to the children will be purchased and prepared by the centre staff and/or centre Caterer. We apologize for any inconvenience, but Discovery does not allow homemade baked goods into our sites due to allergies, for example birthday cupcakes will not be allowed if baked at home. (Once-a-month Discovery celebrates the periodic birthdays for the children at the sites, and prepare some form of baked treats for all of the children to enjoy.) Our concern is that some foods may contain hidden ingredients that may pose a serious risk for the children with the allergen. Some parents prefer for their child/ren to have additional snacks during the after-school program, if this is the case please consult with the centre Supervisor and we will make arrangements to meet your needs. All food brought from home must have your child’s name on it in order for us to allow them to eat it (name on lunch bag). All foods brought out must be shown to the teacher for approval to keep everyone safe.

     Discovery is intent on fulfilling the needs of the children in our care. With this in mind we offer a nutritious breakfast, lunch, a.m. and p.m. snacks.  We strive to meet the requirements of the C.C.E.Y.A. and the guidelines set out by Health Canada.

     Children are encouraged to try all foods served. If your child has food allergies please make sure that the centre staff are informed and kept up to date about their allergies.  Special food requirement arrangements can be made with the Supervisor of your child’s program. Special diets may require parents bringing in lunch for their child.

Sample Menu:

Week 1







Served with fresh fruit, water or milk.

Oatmeal and Whole wheat toast

Multi-grain cheerios with milk & fresh fruit

Pancakes topped with fresh fruit


Bagels with butter

Whole wheat English muffins

A.M. Snack

served with milk or water

Triscuit crackers with cheese cubes

Greek yogurt with fresh fruit


Whole wheat banana muffins and cucumber  slices

Seasonal fruit platter/thin crisp crackers


Hummus dip and fresh veggies



served with water or milk

Fresh fruit daily

Beef Pasta Bake

Local grass-fed beef, brown rice noodles, local cheddar cheese with, marinara

Steam veggies

Veggie Ranch Tortilla Wraps

Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and GH ranch in a whole grain tortilla dressed with local cheddar

Quinoa and chick pea side

Chicken Noodle Soup

Brown rice noodles, fresh local veggies with organic chicken, and broth

Whole grain bun/roll

Meatball Wraps

Whole grain wraps, local grass-fed beef & cheddar, meatballs in marinara


Organic Apple Sauce

Mac & Cheese

Brown rice noodles, local cheddar, organic milk & butter

Garden salad

Fruit cocktail

P.M. Snack

served with water

Rice cakes with fruit

Whole grain wraps with cheese or hummus spread &

carrot sticks

Homemade Brownies and apples

Fish crackers & veggie sticks


Digestive cookies &

Fresh fruit



Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that can be life threatening.  The allergy may be related to food, insect stings, medicine, latex, etc.  The purpose of this policy is to protect children with life threatening allergies and to provide relevant and important information on anaphylaxis to parents, staff, students, and visitors at the childcare centre.  This provision is intended to align with Sabrina’s Law 2005, which requires all district school boards and school authorities in Ontario to develop an anaphylactic policy. This policy includes strategies to reduce the risk of exposure to anaphylactic causative agents, communication plan, development of a child’s individual plan and emergency procedure and training.


To Reduce the Risk of Exposure

It is the responsibility of the Discovery Child Care Centre Supervisor or Designate to ensure that:

  1. Each staff member will take an on-line E-Learning test through the Windsor-Essex Health Unit’s website during orientation and each year after.  The staff member will hand in the completed certificate issued at the end of online training. 
  2. A “nut-free” policy is adhered to within our centre and signs are posted throughout the centre (due to the fact that we are based in a school setting, it is impossible to guarantee a nut free environment)
  3. All parents, staff and visitors to the centre are aware that food items cannot be brought to the centre for the children’s consumption without permission from the Supervisor. All food items in lunches brought in will be inspected for traces of nuts and will then be labelled with the person’s name.
  4. Any special dietary needs for children due to allergies are to be discussed and agreed upon with the parent, and site Supervisor.
  5. A “non-latex” policy is adhered to within our centre, unless otherwise approved by the Director or site supervisor, i.e.) in regards to balloons, they will only be used in the event that there are absolutely no latex allergies on site.
  6. Non-latex gloves will be available for use by the staff, parents and children (i.e. first aid kits, outdoor garbage clean-up, etc.) are available at the centre.
  7. The list of foods to avoid is revised as necessary, depending on the allergies of the children enrolled.
  8. The policies related to food and latex is reviewed with all centre staff annually.

It is the responsibility of ALL Discovery Staff/ Persons at Discovery (Volunteers & Students) to:

  1. Ensure proper hand washing procedures are being followed.
  2. Continue educating parents regarding food items that are not permitted at the childcare centre.
  3. Look for hidden allergens in items such as play dough, stuffed animals, etc.
  4. Communicate to all staff, students, trainees, volunteers and visitors who are scheduled to work in the classroom which children have anaphylaxis, making sure that they have signed and understand the child’s individual plan.
  5. Be aware of signs and symptoms related to anaphylaxis.
  6. Ensure that the list of foods to avoid is revised as necessary, depending on the allergies of the children enrolled.
  7. Know where the Epi-Pen and plan for each child is located.  All plans will be printed on green fluorescent paper and posted in food preparation/eating areas and classrooms.
  8. Epi-pens will be placed in the First Aid back packs, which are located in each classroom and will also be tagged with a coloured luggage tag.

    Take special precautions for children with an anaphylactic individual plan and procedure when planning field trips and extra-curricular events, their Epi-pen is to be with you at all times.
  9. Ensure that all food purchased, prepared and served for snacks and meals are free from all kinds of nuts.
  10. Ensure that all pre-packaged food (i.e. store bought cookies, ice cream, etc) is free from risk of contamination of nut products.

Food from Home -  Children with special diets are required to supply their own food, when possible Green Heart will accommodate special diets. To reduce the risk of allergens, Discovery will closely monitor any foods brought from home for any child by checking the ingredients on questionable foods to ensure the safety of all children.

Parents will not be allowed to bring in special treats including goods baked at home as we do not have readable ingredients to determine if these may pose a risk to the children in our care.  Parents can bring in a special treat in the original container so there is proof that specific allergens are not in these products.


  1. All food items brought from home are to be properly labeled and in the original packaging so staff can verify that these items follow our policy above before allowing the children to consume them.
  2. Some parents prefer for their children to have additional snacks during the after-school program, Discovery will always offer children fresh fruit or vegetables to compensate for this, however in the event that the child has food in their lunch that they wish to finish, it will be the staffs’ responsibility to check the snacks from the child’s lunch before allowing them to consume it, again we want to avoid any potential risk to other children around them that may have the allergen.

Communication Plan

Effective communication between childcare staff and parents is essential if allergic reactions are to be avoided.  It is the responsibility of the Discovery Child Care Centre Supervisor or Designate to ensure that:

1)       When enrolling a child, the Supervisor must ask parents/guardians about allergies, management of allergies, including medications, preventative strategies, and the handling of emergency situations.
2)       At registration time, communicate to new parents/guardians that there may be children with life threatening allergies attending the centre. 
3)       Communicate to all staff, students, trainees, volunteers, and visitors to the childcare centre, regarding general information of life-threatening allergies.
4)       Menus are posted so parents are made aware of foods their children are offered.
5)       Lists of all known allergies of enrolled children are posted in food preparation/eating areas and classroom on fluorescent green coloured paper.
6)       All staff, trainees, volunteers, and students are to sign indicating they are aware of the specific children who have an individual plan and the procedure to be followed if the child was to have an anaphylactic reaction.
7)       Staff will sign off on the Supervisors’ main Anaphylactic Sign Off tracking sheet, which the Supervisor will monitor that all Individual Plans have been signed off on annually for each plan. Main Tracking Sheets will be kept with Supervisor in a conspicuous location for constant review.
8)       The anaphylactic policy and each child’s individual plan, will be printed on fluorescent green coloured paper, and will be reviewed by staff, trainees, volunteers and students before providing child care and annually thereafter.

Child’s Individual Plan and Procedure

It is the responsibility of the Discovery Child Care Centre Supervisor or Designate to ensure that the plan for each child with an Epi-Pen prescribed by a physician is completed by the parent/guardian with the Supervisor/ Designate using the attached form.

a)       The child’s individual plan and emergency procedure is posted in the child’s classroom, as well as in the kitchen on fluorescent green coloured paper. A copy will also be placed in the emergency bag with children’s emergency information.
b)       The emergency information and Epi-Pen, which is stored in the Discovery classroom First Aid back pack, is also taken by staff on outings, field trips and in the event of an evacuation from the centre.
c)       A picture of the child must be attached to each form for each child.


The parent/guardian’s will demonstrate to the staff on how their child’s anaphylaxis plan is to be implemented and, in the event, it is needed, Staff will also be trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis for each child.

It is the responsibility of the Discovery Child Care Centre Supervisor/Designate to ensure that:

1)       All staff is trained in anaphylaxis and will do an annual online recertification to ensure up-to-date knowledge and training.
2)       All Supply Early Childhood Educators, Work and Learn trainees, volunteers and students are trained.
3)       Visitors to the childcare centres are made aware that there are child/ren in the centre with anaphylactic allergies.
4)       The staff accompanies the child in the ambulance if this is permitted by the ambulance attendant, and the used Epi-pen will be sent with the ambulance attendants to the hospital.

Children’s Individual Plan - Form Example:

Child’s Individual Plan and Emergency Procedure

Child’s Name:__________________________ Classroom:________________________________              


Prescription #: _______________________ Epi-Pen expiry date:__________________

Epi-Pen Stored:___________________                                                                   

**Epi-Pen must be administered immediately upon contact with the allergen.  The severity of symptoms can quickly change.  All the symptoms can potentially progress to a life threatening situation.

Children Can Experience a Variety of Signs and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis Reactions:

Please check those signs and symptoms that your child experiences.

O  Mouth:  itching and swelling of the lips, tongue and mouth.

O  Throat:  itching and/or a sense of tightness of the throat, hoarseness and cough, change in voice.

O  Skin:  hives, itchy rash and/or swelling on the face or extremities, red, watery eyes.

O  Gut:  nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and/or diarrhea

O  Lung:  shortness of breath, repetitive coughing and/or wheezing

O  Heart:  thready pulse, dizziness, extreme weakness, passing out

Picture of Child

  **In the Event of an Emergency Evacuation, or an Off-Site Event/Field Trip, a copy of this Emergency Procedure Plan will be in the Contact File Box in the Child's classroom Emergency Bag and the Child's Emergency Medication will be taken in the Firs Aid Back Pack where it is readily available. **

Consent for Epi-Pen use

I, (parent/guardian)________________________________ submit this training plan to the Discovery child care centre where my child is enrolled, which is to be followed by all staff, students and volunteers.  The action plan below for (child’s name) __________________ is to be used by the childcare staff in the event of an anaphylactic reaction. 

Child’s Health Card #: ___________________________________

Date of Birth: ________________________________________________

Person #1:

1)       Obtain Epi-Pen from.  ______________________________________________

2)       This plan must be marked clearly with child’s name and picture.

3)       Remove Epi-Pen from plastic container and verify child’s name and prescription number.

4)       Remove cap.

5)       Place tipped end of Epi-Pen against outer thigh or arm (please circle which one applies) and Inject press firmly for 10 seconds.

6)       Place child on side in case of vomiting.

7)       Return Epi-Pen to container and give to ambulance attendant.

8)       Accompany child to hospital with this individual plan and emergency procedure as well as the child’s file card.

Person #2

1)       Call ambulance (City: dial 9-911).(County: dial 911) Give 911 operator the address and telephone number of child care centre: ____________________________________

2)       Call Parents;

Contact # 1: ______________________Contact # 2: __________________________

Emergency Contact Phone #: ______________________________________________

3)       Record: Date:______________________ Time: ______________

Time of Epi Pen was administered: __________________

4)       Circumstances (where and causative agent): ____________________________

5)       Give child’s individual plan to the staff member that is accompanying the child in the ambulance.

Strategies to Avoid and Monitor Risks:

                Ensure that:

  • Proper hand washing procedures are being followed.
  • A no nut policy is in place at the childcare centre.
  • All parents and visitors are aware that food items cannot be brought into the centre.
  • Non-latex gloves are used at the childcare centre.
  • All policies related to food, stinging insects and latex are being adhered to.
  • Strategies are in place to prevent all potential cross contamination in the childcare centre.
  • Clear direction regarding child’s needs are given to all staff, students, trainees, volunteers and visitors to the child care centre.
  • Special dietary needs are discussed with the Teacher and Centre Supervisor.
  • At least once a year the Discovery Staff and Child Care Centre Supervisor reviews the plan with the parent to update the child’s allergy condition.

Parent’s Additional Instructions:

  • _________________________________________________________
  • _________________________________________________________

It is my responsibility to advise the childcare centre of any changes to my child’s allergies, required medication or my child’s individual treatment plan which includes providing an updated Epi Pen when my child’s medication expires. I have viewed the video at and agree with the procedures to be used to administer the epi-pen in regard to my child.

This information will be strategically posted throughout the childcare centre to ensure every possible precaution is being taken with my child.

Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________________ Date:______________          
Witness/ Staff Signature: __________________________ Date: _______________

A.      Field Trip Safety -    The Discovery Program obtains permission for field trips at the time of enrollment, however parents will be notified of upcoming field trips. If any further permission slips are needed Discovery will see to it that these are obtained. Information containing destination address, phone numbers, transportation times, non-based field trip fees, and needs for field trip will be posted on the Parent Information Board for all parents/ guardians to be thoroughly informed of where we are going. Discovery takes great pride in taking safety precautions seriously, and in doing so increases the number of adults to child ratio while on field trips.
B.      Sunscreen & Bug Spray -    The Discovery Program offers the application of Croc Block Sunscreen (this product is PABA free and for use on sensitive skin) to the children on an as need basis during program hours. This is included as one of the general permission form sign-offs; should you prefer that your child does not receive the sunscreen, you may provide your own.    The Discovery Program offers the application of Skintastic for Kids Bug Spray to the children on an as need basis during program hours. This is included as one of the general permission form sign-offs; should you prefer that your child does not receive the bug spray, you may provide your own.

Diapering Policy & Toilet Training -    Diapering and Toileting are basic necessities that will not be denied. Routine times are set up to allow for consistency, however children can access the toilet any time they feel it is necessary. All diapering and toileting for children will be carried out in a sanitary, safe manner to prevent the spread of germs and diseases that can occur during the changing process.

A) Diaper Changing Procedure -  The procedure for diapering will be posted at every location where diapering is to take place.

  1. Place gloves on first before putting child on the change table.
  2. Place child’s individual change pad on the change table before diapering the child.
  3. The change table should be a comfortable height for staff, with a safety ledge and a washable pad held in place.
  4. Make sure you are organized and have all items needed on the change table. Never leave a child unattended on the change table.
  5. Remove the child’s diaper and wipe their bottom with their own wet wipes.
  6. Apply any creams as needed and put on a fresh new diaper.
  7. Follow up with child washing hands as per guidelines.
  8. Wash and disinfect child’s change pad (making sure it is dry before putting away).
  9. Put away child’s belongings and disinfect the change table.
  10. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
  11. Children will be diapered at least every 2 hours and of course more if needed.
  12. A record of diapering will be kept for each child outlining if they have a bowel movement (BM) or they were wet (W) and if they tried the toilet (TP) and if they urinated on the potty (V). This will be available to the parents for review.

B) Toilet Training Procedure-       Learning to use the toilet is a big event in a young child’s life. Because toilet training is a complex process, there are many issues caregivers and families must consider before and during the process of toilet training for it to be a successful experience for everyone. When a parent and caregiver believe a child is ready for toilet training (generally between 2-4 years of age) both the parent and caregiver will agree to support each other in being consistent both at daycare and at home, as consistency is key toward successfully potty training.

How to tell if a child is ready?

?          Follows simple directions
?          Remains dry for at least 2 hours at a time during the day.
?          Dry after nap time.
?          Regular and predictable bowel movements.
?          Walks to and from the bathroom, pulls down own pants and pulls them up again.
?          Announces when they are wet or have a BM and are uncomfortable with soiled or wet diapers
?          Seems interested in the toilet.
?          Asks to wear underwear.

If the child has most of these skills, then they are probably ready to start toilet training. If they do not have most of skills or have a negative reaction to toilet training, wait a few weeks or months until most of the skills are checked off. Starting too soon can actually delay the process and cause tears and frustration. Toilet training is much easier when the child is ready.

Sleep Policy and Supervision -   The Discovery Program will follow the guidelines set out in the “Joint Statement on Safe Sleep” and the regulations set by the CCEYA.  The regulations are put in place to reduce the risk of harm and injury, including death when children are sleeping.  Children are monitored at sleep time, so staff can look for signs of distress (skin colour, change in breathing, overheating) and react as required.  All children having quiet time at Discovery will be assigned a label cot with a fitted sheet.  Staff will create a detailed map of where the children are regularly placed at rest time.  Along with the map will be a list of requirements for each child’s sleep preference so that supply staff can know who might require a diaper/pull-up or who is not a regular sleeper etc.  At the time of registration the supervisor will have a conversation with parents about rest time so individualized accommodation can occur.  At any time a parent can re-evaluate what their child’s needs might be.  The supervisor/staff will update the sleep requirements when notified.  Staff will be shown where these documents are located at the time of orientation.  

During the rest period the lighting is adequate for proper visual checks being conducted.  Staff will walk around the room completing a direct visual check on each child.  This will be done approximately each ½ hour, but not exceeding.  Staff that completed the check will track checks on the BRIGHTWHEEL App, which also includes what time they fell asleep and what time they woke from their nap.  Parents have the opportunity to review this log throughout the day electronically. 

Staff should recognize that children do not have a set rest schedule and will sleep based on their individual needs.  If a child chooses not to sleep other quiet activities will be set out for those children.  If staff are required to follow a sleep plan and it involves a child being woken up after a certain time it will be done in a gentle, calm manner.

Developmental Assessments -  Staff will at all times aim to work in partnership with parents and other caregivers and take into account their wishes and aspirations for their children.  Staff will aim to involve parents and caregivers in decisions made about their children and to develop positive strategies to encourage children’s development and appropriate behaviour (in the context of group care offered by the Discovery program).   Where deemed appropriate, Discovery may recommend to parents that a professional assess a child, in order to better meet their developmental needs.

Integrated Services for Children with Special Needs -   Our goal is to meet the needs of all children. Professional services including specialized Resource Teachers may be required in order to meet the needs of your child.  Discovery will explore every option available in order to include your child in our program.

Individual Support Plans Policy and Procedures


The Discovery Program will ensure that an up-to-date individualized support plan is in place for each child with special needs who receives childcare with us.  The plan will detail the support for the child and how they will function and participate in a meaningful and purposeful manner while in our care.   This report will include but not limited to a description of support aids, adaptations or modifications to the physical, social and learning environment so the child is successful.  This plan will be developed with the childcare staff and the child’s parent(s).  Other professionals might be included to share information to conduct the plan.  Our program will accommodate, set appropriate developmental levels and be inclusive to all children.  Examples that might be included in the plan are additional staff, modifications to the environment, and any daily routine needs that happen during their day with us. 


  1. Share the plan with parents for them to have the opportunity to add or change any of the language stated in the document.
  2. Parents will sign off that they agree with the plan.
  3. All staff involved at the centre will also sign the completed document, including but not limited to students and volunteers.

Next Steps

  1. Staff and support staff will make observations and document the child’s unique abilities and growth.  The information collected will help in updating the child’s individualized plan.
  2. Staff and parents will review the document on an ongoing basis to adjust the child’s abilities and needs in the program.

If staff need further information to complete the plan they can use these resources: 

  • Early Years Portal
  • How Does Leaning Happen
  • Think, Feel, Act:  Lessons from Research about Young Children

Confidentially and Release of Information Policy -  All information contained in a child’s record is considered privileged and confidential.  In our program, the only information contained in locked files (located on our premises) is that regarding your child’s personal history, his/her present family situation, overall health assessment, and any other information required by the Regulation of our Authority.  The above information is only accessible to our staff and child’s parents, under normal conditions. 

                All financial information which refers to tuition charges are kept in confidential files, with those having normal access being the Executive Director, Financial Assistant, Supervisors, Treasurer and Accountant. 

The written consent of a parent, using a special consent form, should be obtained before:

Ø  A child’s personal identifiable information is released to an outside researcher.

Ø  A child participates in any research project concluded while he/she is in attendance at our program.

Ø  Access to a child’s record, without parental consent, may be given only to officials designated by law.

Ø  A child’s records are the property of DISCOVERY SCHOOL-BASED CHILD CARE PROGRAM, and it is the Operator’s responsibility to secure the information contained therein against loss, fire, theft, defacement, tampering and copying, or use by unauthorized person.



It is well established in common law that organizations providing programs and services to the vulnerable persons have an obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure their safety and well-being. The Discovery Program will ensure that appropriate screening measures are taken before allowing any persons to engage with children entrusted in our care.  Organizations governed by the Act (under vulnerable sector) have a duty to protect children and carry out effective screening.


The Discovery Program holds the responsibility for ensuring the safety and well-being of every child who walks through its doors, while complying with the Child and Family Services Act (RSO 1990 chapter c.11).  This information is collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

  1. Any parents/guardians/students showing an interest in volunteering at the Discovery School Based Childcare Program will be expected to have a Vulnerable Sector Check, before being able to take part in any activities associated with the children in our care. The applicant must show proof of a V.S.C. with negative results before engaging with any child/ren entrusted to the Discovery Program.
  2. A volunteer/applicant V.S.C. form will be provided by the Discovery Program and signed off by the authorized personnel.
  3. Any of the above persons will also be required to complete a Health Assessment and Immunization Record Form by their physician showing negative results of a Tuberculosis Test.
  4. The applicant must also sign a Confidentiality Agreement, to assure the discretion of information he/she may be privy to. The Discovery School Based Childcare Program will be mutually respectful in maintaining volunteer confidentiality.
  5. It is observed that volunteers and students are supervised by an employee at all times, and will never be left alone with the children or counted as part of ratio with the children.
  6. Discovery Staff is expected to demonstrate our Program’s daily routine to our visitors, volunteers and students, to show for them how to properly conduct themselves in a childcare setting. Visitors, volunteers, and students are expected to support staff in the daily operations of the childcare in a professional manner.
  7. The Policy Manual will be read before starting placement to inform students and volunteers of the policies and procedures that need to be adhered to at all times while at Discovery. Please refer to the Student and Volunteer Expectations Orientation form for further details. (A Policy Manual is available at each site for your convenience.)
  8. The Student/Volunteer will be monitored by the Supervisor of the site, as well as by the Discovery Staff whom they have been placed with. Each Student and Volunteer will go through a full orientation with a designated managerial staff member, just like all other hired staff at Discovery.
  9. Staff, Volunteers, and Students are made aware of who is responsible of the implementation of the policies and supervision of volunteers and students at the time of orientation by the designated managerial staff member.

NOTE -   Outside agencies such as Children’s First and Thames Valley staff (3rd party organizations) will have their own VSC as per their agencies requirements. A Third Party Offence Declaration/ Attestation will be signed for Discovery by anyone entering the Child Care Program for the purpose of providing a service to the children.

Photography & Media Viewing -   The use of photography for the purpose of documentation is used on a daily basis at the Discovery program. Occasionally, for special events, we invite the local newspaper out to write, and article on the activities taking place and a photograph may be taken to accompany the write up. Should you desire to not have your children partake in the use of photographs, then you may choose to not sign-off on this portion of the general permission form.  During special events, such as P.D./P.A. Days or throughout the summer, Discovery may choose to show a Supervisor-Approved, Child-Friendly video as per curriculum or inclement weather. Should you desire to not have your children partake in the media viewing experience, then you may choose to not sign-off on this portion of the general permission form. Discovery will find an alternative and fun activity for your child/ren to do in exchange for not watching the film.

Court Orders -    If there is a court order outlining custody conditions, a copy must be provided to the childcare program.  Especially when the other parent is not allowed to come in contact with the child in question. It is vital that the parent/guardian keeps us informed of any changes to this and that all-contact information is up to date.

Child Abuse Policy -      The Discovery Program shall immediately report, or cause to be reported, to the appropriate Children’s Aid Society, any case of suspected child abuse to a child attending our program.  Abuse is defined as (a) physical injury or neglect of the child, (b) an act or omission resulting in emotional disability of a permanent nature, (c) sexual exploitation of the child with or without the child’s consent.

Injuries -    Parents will be notified immediately when a child receives an injury, such as head or facial injuries, suspected sprains, severe lacerations etc. Minor injuries such as bumps, bruises and scratches will be reported at pick-up time through a minor incident reporting form which parents / guardian will be required to sign off on, acknowledging that they have been informed of the incident. A copy of this form will be sent home to the parent / guardians either through a paper copy or email copy based on the preferred choice of the parent / guardian.

A Serious Occurrence Notification Form will be posted at the centre on the Parent Information Board identifying any issues or concerns that parents need to be made aware of in compliance with the Child Care and Early Years Act 2014 (CCEYA). Childcare operators are responsible to the public and to the Ministry to demonstrate that their services are consistent with relevant legislations, regulations and policies.

Fire Safety & Emergency Evacuation Plan -  In the event of an Emergency situation, Discovery has an Emergency Evacuation Policy and Procedure in place. The Discovery Program has established practices that remove children and staff from danger in the event of fire or other emergency situations. Having an emergency evacuation plan is essential for childcare centers, where safety of staff and children is paramount. All staff should be well aware of procedures, including emergency numbers and emergency exits, which is discussed and demonstrated during site orientations and is reviewed annually by Staff when reading the Policy Manual. Moreover, Staff practice Emergency Evacuation procedures beforehand to prepare them for a real emergency situation. Monthly drills are done with the children to review the procedures. In the event of a real Emergency Evacuation, a Supervisor or Lead Staff member will contact parents / guardians promptly after the children have been removed from the situation and brought to the designated evacuation site.  Parents/Guardians will be contacted by phone, email or through the REMIND app.  If a parent cannot be reached staff will continue to call or contact the other people on the emergency pick up list.  Staff will bring the Emergency First Aid Back Pack with them during an evacuation, which contains all of the children’s Contact information and Emergency medication.  A copy of the full policy is available for more information in the discovery policy manual if you would like to review this topic further.

Complaint Resolution & Procedures -    Parents or guardians who may have any questions, comments, or concerns are welcome to use our Open Door policy and voice their needs to the Executive Director or Supervisors. The Discovery Director and Supervisors can also be reached by calling the sites directly or by using the email addresses provided at registration.

Parent Issues and Concerns Policy and Procedures

Date Policy and Procedures Established: June 28, 2017
Revised Policy: November 24, 2022


The purpose of this policy is to provide a transparent process for  parents/guardians, Discovery Child Care Program and staff to use when parents/guardians bring forward issues/concerns.

Policy - General

    Parents/guardians are encouraged to take an active role in our childcare centre and regularly discuss what their child(ren) are experiencing with our program. As supported by our program statement, we support positive and responsive interactions among the children, parents/guardians, childcare providers, and staff, and foster the engagement of and ongoing communication with parents/guardians about the program and their children. Our staff are available to engage parents/guardians in conversations and support a positive experience during every interaction.

    All issues and concerns raised by parents/guardians are taken seriously by the staff, Site Supervisors, and the Executive Di

Concerns about the Suspected Abuse or Neglect of a child -  Everyone, including members of the public and professionals who work closely with children, is required by law to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect.  If a parent/guardian expresses concerns that a child is being abused or neglected, the parent will be advised to contact the local Children’s Aid Society (CAS) directly.  Persons who become aware of such concerns are also responsible for reporting this information to CAS as per the “Duty to Report” requirement under the Child and Family Services Act.

For more information, visit


Nature of Issue or Concern

Steps for Parent and/or Guardian to Report Issue/Concern:

Steps for Staff and/or Licensee in responding to issue/concern:


Program Room-Related

E.g: schedule, sleep arrangements, toilet training, indoor/outdoor program activities, feeding arrangements, etc.



Raise the issue or concern to

  • the classroom staff directly or
  • The supervisor or licensee.
  • Address the issue/concern at the time it is raised or
  • Arrange for a meeting with the parent/guardian within two (2) business days.
  • Document the issues/concerns in detail. Documentation should include:
  • the date and time the issue/concern was received;
  • the name of the person who received the issue/concern;
  • the name of the person reporting the issue/concern;
  • the details of the issue/concern; and
  • Any steps taken to resolve the issue/concern and/or information given to the parent/guardian regarding next steps or referral.
  • Provide contact information for the appropriate person if the person being notified is unable to address the matter.
  • Ensure the investigation of the issue/concern is initiated by the appropriate party within [insert number] business days or as soon as reasonably possible thereafter. Document reasons for delays in writing.
  • Provide a resolution or outcome to the parent(s)/guardian(s) who raised the issue/concern.


General, Centre- or Operations-Related

E.g: child care fees,  hours of operation, staffing, waiting lists, menus, etc.

Raise the issue or concern to

  • The supervisor or licensee.


Staff-, Duty parent-, Supervisor-, and/or Licensee-Related

Raise the issue or concern to

  • the individual directly or
  • The supervisor or licensee.

All issues or concerns about the conduct of staff, duty parents, etc. that puts a child’s health, safety and well-being at risk should be reported to the supervisor as soon as parents/guardians become aware of the situation.


Student- / Volunteer-Related


Raise the issue or concern to

  • the staff responsible for supervising the volunteer or student or
  • The supervisor and/or licensee.
  • All issues or concerns about the conduct of students and/or volunteers that puts a child’s health, safety and well-being at risk should be reported to the supervisor as soon as parents/guardians become aware of the situation.

Escalation of Issues or Concerns: Where parents/guardians are not satisfied with the response or outcome of an issue or concern, they may escalate the issue or concern verbally or in writing to the Executive Director and/ or Board of Directors.

Issues/concerns related to compliance with requirements set out in the Child Care and Early Years Act., 2014 and Ontario Regulation 137/15should be reported to the Ministry of Education’s Child Care Quality Assurance and Licensing Branch.

Issues/concerns may also be reported to other relevant regulatory bodies (e.g. local public health department, police department, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Labour, fire department, College of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario College of Teachers, College of Social Workers etc.) where appropriate.


Discovery Main Office
46 Division Street North
Kingsville, ON, N9Y 1C9

Phone: 519-733-8202
Fax: 519-733-2988


Gosfield - North Public
302 County Road 27
Cottom, ON N0R 1B0

Phone: 519 839-4646
Fax: 519 733-2988


Discovery - Gore Hill
1132 Mersea Road 1
Leamington, ON, N8H 2E2

Phone: 519-733-8202
Fax: 519-733-2988


Discovery - St. John
43 Spruce Street East
Kingsville, ON, N9Y 1T8

Phone: 519-733-6203
Fax: 519-733-2988


Discovery - Queen Elizabeth
4 Maxon Street
Leamington, ON, N8H 2E2

Phone: 519-322-5532
Fax: 519-733-2988


Discovery - St. Anthony
166 Centre St.
Harrow ON, N0R1G0

Phone: 519.733.8615
Fax: 519.733.2988


Ministry of Education

Licensed Child Care Help Desk
1-877-510-5333 or


Regulatory Requirements: Ontario Regulation 137/15


Discovery School Based Child Care Program of Kingsville Main Office

46 Division Street North,
Kingsville ON N9Y 1C9

P: 519-733-8202

St. Anthony
Catholic School

166 Centre St.
Harrow, ON

P: 519-733-8615

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St. John De Brebeuf
Catholic School

43 Spruce Street
Kingsville, ON

P: 519-733-6203

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Queen Elizabeth
Public School

4 Maxon Street Leamington,
ON N8H 2E2

P: 519-322-5532

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Gosfield North
Public School

302 County Road 27 Cottam,
ON N0R 1B0

P: 519-839-4646

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Gore Hill
Public School

1135 Mersea Road 1,
Leamington, ON N8H 3V7


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